Graduate Employees

Nermine Aboulez

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-3604
Office: 210 Allen Hall

Songyi Ahn

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Akua Akakpo

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Stephen Anti

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210: Allen
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Media representation, Health Communication, Media effects, audience perception, construction of social realism

Will Arangelov

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Gaming communication, Media Psychology, Health Communication, Esports

Ronja Behrends

Doctoral Student
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Office: 312 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Production Studies, Creative Labor, Political Economy of Film

Nahla Bendefaa

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Political Economy of Media, Creator Studies, Food Media

Sandra Boone

Doctoral Student
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Public Relations/Strategic Communication, Equity & Power, Language/Writing

Dalton Bouzek

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Research Interests: Ethics, Political Communications

Ben Bunquin

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Science communication, Political communication, Computational communication, Media effects

Grant Burgess

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Shane Burrell

Graduate Employee
PhD Student in Game Studies
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Phone: 541-346-6304
Office: 312 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Virtual Reality, Identity, Embodiment, Latino studies, Cultural Studies, Mixed-Methods

Önder Can

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Kisa Clark

Doctoral Student
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Saeed Dabbour

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: Allen Hall 312I
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Reality Television, Pop Culture, and Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Inclusion

Suenia De Azevedo

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Doctoral Student
Affiliated Departments: Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Critical and Cultural Media Studies, Latin American Studies, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Digital Media.

Álvaro Del Pozo

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Ph.D. Student
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Political Communications, Social Media, Digital Media

Megan Denneny

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Phone: 541-346-6304

Christena Dowsett

Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Portland

Tabitha Fairchild

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Phone: 541-346-6304
Office: 312 Allen Hall

Giovanni Francischelli

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Affiliated Departments: Cinema Studies Program
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: documentary, cinema, digital media, mass media, political economy of communicatons

Javay Frye-Nekrasova

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Sexuality & Media, Sex Work, Kink & BDSM

Laura Gattis

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Climate Change, Communication, Politicized News Sources, Global Warming, Media Studies

Daniel Gyekye

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Lanore Hahn

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Jack Hart

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Game Studies, Queer Studies, Parasocial Relationships, Independent Games

Nakyung Lee

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Bibo Lin

Doctoral Candidate
Phone: 541-346-6304
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Journalism, International Communication, Cultural Studies, Emotions and Feelings

Cecilia Sumita Louis

Doctoral Candidate
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Emmanuel Maduneme

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-6304
Office: 312 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Solutions journalism, Media effect, African media

Nii Mahliaire

Doctoral Student
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Phone: N/A
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene, OR
Research Interests: Public Relations, Health Communication, New Media, Social Media Literacy

Dennis Major

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Television Studies, Representations of Media Institutions in Fiction

Aimee Matsumura McAffee

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Asian/American Women Mediated Representations, Communication & Media Studies

Beatriz Mira

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Phone: 541-346-6304
Office: 210 Allen Hall
Research Interests: Environmental communication, Science communication, Latin American studies, Photography, Media & Behavior

Omusula Omuholo

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Bismark Owusu-Yeboah

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Phone: 5415796963
Office: 321 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: New Media Studies, Advertising , Communication Education in the digital age

Nishat Parvez

Doctoral Student
Graduate Employee
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Political Communication, Journalism, Critical Media Studies, Gender & Media

James Phillips

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: science communication, space science, space policy

Emilie Pons

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Erica Pulley

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Doctoral Student
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Housing, Ecolological Crisis, Discourse, Rhetoric, Ideology, Liberatory Research Methods

Rajeev Ravisankar

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-0304
Office: 214 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Labor organizing in news media, worker-run media cooperatives, alternative media, political economy of the media, social movements, labor, race, class

Nathan Rogers

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Keya Saxena

Doctoral Candidate
Affiliated Departments: Global Studies, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Global Communications and Social Change, Media Activism and Social Justice, Gender

Faria A. Shaikh

Doctoral Student
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Phone: 541-346-3861
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Persuasion, Media Psychology, Advertising, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Communication, Health Communication

Sabrina Sonner

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Stephen Ssenkaaba

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-3604
Office: 210 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: African folklore/story telling, digital media, journalism

Martha Tejeda

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
City: Eugene

Andy Wilson

Doctoral Candidate
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: critical game studies, online gaming, popular culture, memetics, esports, social media

Shuo Xu

Graduate Employee
Affiliated Departments: SOJC-Media Studies PhD
Office: 035 PLC
Research Interests: Media censorship, propaganda, journalism ethics, digital media, visual politics

Nishtha Yadav

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: civic engagement, social justice, political communication, global media, social media, media coverage, digital culture, digital activism

Haopeng Yuan

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Phone: 541-650-5827
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Cryptocurrency, distributed communication, decentralized identity, AI, social media, digital humanity, emerging media

Stella Zhang

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Office: 312 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Tingyu Zou

Doctoral Student
Office: 126 Franklin Bldg.