Why Give?
Your support provides the foundation for everything we do at the SOJC. Private donations are a major source of financial aid that allow students to focus on their studies, build their portfolios, and gain experience outside the classroom. They give our faculty the means to advance the field with groundbreaking research and innovative projects. And they help the school attract top talent while keeping up with a rapidly evolving media landscape.
Choose Where Your Gift Goes
We know you want your donation to go where it can make the most impact. You can choose to support any of three major SOJC funds.
Provides flexibility for strategic investments in programs, projects, and activities that advance our mission.
Help students build their skills and their portfolios through hands-on projects, field trips, and media productions.
Provide much-needed financial support to SOJC students.

Jim Pensiero ’75 has dedicated his working life to the journalism industry, including 31 years as a reporter and editor at the Wall Street Journal. Since his retirement in 2015, Pensiero has turned his attention to teaching, inspiring, and launching SOJC journalism students onto fulfilling career paths. He also supports hands-on learning by helping students attend the SOJC’s annual networking trip to New York City.
Build Your Legacy
Make a difference for SOJC students well into the future. Here are two ways to establish a lasting legacy at a place you love:
- Include the SOJC in your will or as a beneficiary of your retirement account. Let us know if you include us in your plans so we can ensure your gift is made in accordance with your wishes.
- Create an endowment. Support an area you are passionate about in perpetuity by starting an endowment fund.
Contact the SOJC development team to learn more.

The 2023 SOJC Yearbook offers a glimpse into a year's worth of student learning experiences, faculty innovations, and alumni achievements. Check out our digital annual report to read stories and watch videos celebrating their resilience, creativity, and inspiring accomplishments.