News from the School of Journalism and Communication

Find out what SOJC students, faculty, and alumni are up to on campus, on the national stage, and beyond.

Aedan Seaver, an SOJC journalism student, published an article on the complicated history of cockfighting in the Mexico News Daily as part of a study-abroad program in Querétaro, Mexico.
Professor of Practice Damian Radcliffe writes about five key challenges facing modern food journalism, inspired by the UO Food Journalism in France study-abroad trip he led students on this summer.
Journalism student Chandlor Henderson, who attended the National Association of Black Journalists convention in July, was in a quandary over the value of Donald Trump’s invitation to the event.
SOJC findings on protecting children from the risks of smoke is highlighted in a multimedia package focused on how UO scientists and researchers are working to understand and mitigate wildfires.  
SOJC Professor Peter Laufer took a group of students to meet with Mexico News Daily CEO Travis Bembenek during a study-abroad trip. The students learned about journalism in Mexico.
SOJC Associate Professor Bish Sen, who has taught a course on reality TV for more than a decade, explains in a Vogue article how the genre can influence viewers and bring out the worst in all of us.
Whitney Phillips, assistant professor of media studies at the SOJC, was quoted in the Washington Post comparing the impact of the average millennial’s digital footprint to that of a vice-presidential candidate.
The SOJC’s Agora Center, in collaboration with Sightline Institute and North Star Civic Foundation, has produced a tip sheet offering best practices for journalists covering ranked-choice voting.
Andrew DeVigal, director of the SOJC's Agora Journalism Center, talked about how to save local media on the Jefferson Exchange. He appeared with Maya Chupkov from Common Cause California.
SOJC student Jack Lazarus had an article published in the Irish Field, a horse-racing publication based in Dublin. Lazarus was on the Sports Journalism in Dublin study-abroad trip.