News from the School of Journalism and Communication

Find out what SOJC students, faculty, and alumni are up to on campus, on the national stage, and beyond.

  Story and photos by Christian Hartwell. Video by Christian Hartwell, Jing Wong, David Zupan and Nick Schuening. “I felt numb. I didn't really know what to feel. I didn't even cry until I got on the bus the next day, and that’s when it all hit me,” Talilo Marfil said. He was talking about his son’s death.
Story by Nikki KesarisTake a moment to think of your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl. What about it draws you to it? What made you remember it? A lot of thought and creativity — not to mention money — went into producing that 30-second spot.
Story by Nikki Kesaris Many University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication students walk through Allen Hall every day without realizing the rich history of the building and the school. For instance, did you know that the journalism building didn’t start out as “Allen Hall”? Or that the building today holds clues to what came before? Read on to learn just a few of the mysteries lurking within the walls of Allen Hall.
Edwin L. Artzt Dean Juan-Carlos MolledaStory by Nikki Kesaris, infographic by Keith Van Norman
Taylor Wilder’s lens has captured pitches, pucks, pools and punts around the planet. Mentorship at the SOJC gave her the skills to succeed.
Story by Zach Putnam Editor's note: This is the final post in a three-post series written by SOJC students who interned in Ghana this summer through the Media in Ghana program. Read the other two  posts, “Six weeks in Ghana: Unexpected lessons and no single story” by Rachel Benner and “Giving Ghanaians the skills to tell their own stories,” also by Zach Putnam.
Story by Andra Brichacek
SOJC student group Combined Culture confronts the murders of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and Trayvon Martin in this powerful piece combining videography and thought-provoking narration.