Story by Andra Brichacek
There are few places that evoke the aura of advertising industry success like New York City. To soak it all in and learn from top industry experts, 108 UO School of Journalism and Communication students are headed to the Big Apple this week for the school's annual NYC Experience trip.
Story and video by Jackson DulzoLike most industries these days, advertising can’t get enough of analytics and big data. Thanks to constantly improving software, ad agencies are now able to collect mountains of user info on every view of every ad, page and video out there. What they still need, however, are people with the skills to derive meaningful insights from all that information.
Story by Margaret Connors
Photos by Polly Irungu
Graphics by Karly DeWees
I vividly remember taking The Creative Strategist my first year as a declared advertising major. I’d heard so much about it from other students, but I still didn’t know quite what to expect. Everyone who had taken it seemed to have a different outlook, a different side to the story about the class. But all their perspectives had one thing in common: sheer excitement and fervency about taking their first steps into the intensive upper-division courses in the SOJC.
SOJC student group Combined Culture confronts the murders of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and Trayvon Martin in this powerful piece combining videography and thought-provoking narration.