Journalism Master’s Program Courses

During this one-year program, you’ll get a foundation in professional journalistic skills and the theory behind them. Consult the UO Class Schedule to find out when these courses are offered and register.

J508 Reporting and Information Strategies (4 credits)
In this basic news-gathering and writing class, you’ll get extensive writing practice inside and outside of class in a variety of forms, including news, features, interviews, and multimedia scripts.

J508 Visual Studies in Journalism (4 credits)
In this lab- and portfolio-intensive course, you’ll learn visual reporting techniques with an emphasis on praxis/theory, law, and ethics of photojournalism and videography.

J521 Documentary Production (4 credits)
Use the tools of video storytelling to produce compelling visual nonfiction.​

J563 Audio Storytelling (4 credits)
Explore the fast-growing world of audio and produce your own podcast.

J561 News Editing (4 credits)
Learn copyediting, headline writing, and page design for print and online newspapers, with an emphasis on grammar, style, accuracy, libel, fairness, story organization, and headline and caption writing.

J562 Reporting II (4 credits)
Learn and practice in-depth reporting on public affairs and community news. Offered fall term.

J563 Story Development (4 credits)
Get an introduction to print and online feature writing with a focus on narrative storytelling, marketing your ideas and stories, in-depth story research, and advanced feature writing for print and online markets. Offered winter term.

J563 Advanced Story Development (4 credits)
In this continuation of Story Development, you’ll learn more about long-form journalism, research, and writing and get help planning and organizing a final project. Offered spring term.

J563 Investigative Reporting (4 credits)
Harness the power of documents and data to uncover stories that matter.

J563 Solutions Journalism (4 credits)
Flip the frame of conventional journalistic storytelling and examine how people and institutions are solving complex problems.

J563 Engaged Journalism (4 credits)
Connect with communities by using the tools of civic engagement.

J563 Data Journalism (4 credits)
Build spreadsheets and mine databases to identify stories that reporters often overlook.

J566 Advanced Photojournalism (4 credits)
Practice intensive visual reporting techniques, with emphasis on digital production, color, lighting, in-depth storytelling, documentary, and portfolio. Topics change each term.

J569 OR Magazine (4 credits)
Multi-award-winning digital publication OR Magazine uncovers fascinating and eclectic stories unique to Oregon. Students traverse the state and challenge the boundaries of conventional storytelling, using cutting-edge digital technology and multimedia to reimagine magazines through interactive writing, video, audio, and photojournalism.

J575 Flux Magazine Production (1–5 credits)
Participate in the planning and production of Flux magazine, the SOJC’s student-produced annual publication. Students write and edit stories, take photos, shoot video, sell ads, and design the magazine. 

J583 Journalistic Interview (4 credits)
Learn how to gather information by asking questions. This class covers literature and research on the techniques of listening, nonverbal communication, and psychological dynamics of the interview relationship in journalistic situations. Offered fall term.

J578 Science Story (4 credits)
This topics course focuses on creating stories about science, with an emphasis on incorporating science communication research into the process of tailoring story strategies to specific audiences. This reporting project dedicated to empowering student discovery through science storytelling, using a variety of multimedia techniques.

J589 Media Entrepreneurship (4 credits)
This course introduces students to fundamental entrepreneurial principles and explores how they intersect with journalism and media. Students will research, develop, pitch, and potentially launch a prototype independent media venture that aims to be equitable, impactful and sustainable.

J604 Internship (6–9 credits)
To meet the requirement, internships typically must offer 20 hours a week for at least eight weeks. Recent graduates have landed internships at NPR, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Newsday, and High Country News. You can ask you advisor for help finding an internship, browse the SOJC Job and Internship Database, or apply for the highly competitive Charles Snowden Program for Excellence in Journalism.

J609 Terminal Project (6–9 credits)
You can write a thesis, or you can produce a feature-length article or journalistic multimedia piece for publication. Recent graduates have covered such topics as the cannabis business in Eugene, the Flat Earth Society, and women in STEM.

J611 Mass Communication and Society (4 credits)
Get an introduction to graduate study in journalism and communication emphasizing a review of the literature of mass communication. Offered fall term.


Need some guidance? Here are a few options:

  1. Download our graduate handbook for more details about program requirements and resources.
  2. Contact our graduate recruiter with questions about the program, the application process, and admission.