News from the School of Journalism and Communication

Find out what SOJC students, faculty, and alumni are up to on campus, on the national stage, and beyond.

PhD students collaborated across disciplines to study how the COVID-19 pandemic affected high school students studying science.
Liz Shuler puts the powerful communication skills she gained at the SOJC to good use advocating for better jobs and equitable pay as the AFL-CIO’s first woman president.
Nicole Lee instantly felt at home on UO’s campus. The sensation repeated when the SOJC double-Duck landed her dream job at an international advertising agency.
Through the SOJC’s documentary research and production program, students connect with Oscar- and Emmy-winning filmmakers throughout the industry.
As an Arab-American and Muslim woman, Hanin Najjar realized how misrepresented her community was in the media. So the SOJC alum launched the inclusive company Parachute Media.
Jahlysa Azaret had so many questions about her lineage in Ghana. So, for her life-changing Multimedia Journalism Master’s capstone project, she traveled to Accra to document and explore her heritage.