News from the School of Journalism and Communication

Find out what SOJC students, faculty, and alumni are up to on campus, on the national stage, and beyond.

Story by Andra BrichacekMany of the UO School of Journalism and Communication's faculty members, graduate students and alumni are on their way to San Diego, California, this week for the 67th Annual International Communication Association Conference.
Journalism students at the University of Oregon will soon have the opportunity to learn how to bring together two storytelling methods to shed light and spark action: investigative reporting and solutions journalism.
Everette E. DennisStory by Patty Jenness
Nicole Dahmen accepts the CSPA Gold Crown Awards for OR Magazine and Flux.Story by Ryan Lund
Scott MaierStory by Aaron Weintraub
Story by Andra Brichacek There are few places that evoke the aura of advertising industry success like New York City. To soak it all in and learn from top industry experts, 108 UO School of Journalism and Communication students are headed to the Big Apple this week for the school's annual NYC Experience trip.