Academic Excellence
Our teachers inspire. They innovate. They conduct award-winning research. They’re passionate. They’re as likely to publish in the New York Times as the Public Relations Review. With internationally renowned experts as their guides and mentors, SOJC students are exploring the outer limits of their potential as they catapult themselves to academic and career success.
Putting Media Under the Microscope For 25 Years
Great researchers find a thread that fascinates them, and they don’t stop pulling until they’ve unraveled the truth. This year, the SOJC celebrated the 25th anniversary of its internationally recognized PhD program—a quarter-century of guiding candidates in analyzing media’s inner workings until they emerge as co-authors, scholars, teachers, and researchers. Our PhD alumni have claimed teaching, research, and administrative posts at top universities, nonprofits, businesses, and think tanks around the world.
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Society
Scientific and technological advancements can improve lives and build better communities—but only if we understand them. The SOJC’s Media Center for Science and Technology (MCST) aims to close the communication gap between scientists and citizens through research and storytelling. The center is currently focused on expanding its research portfolio through collaborations with asociated faculty across campus. Watch the videos below to learn about the groundbreaking research of a few of the center's SOJC associates.
People of Color Care More About Climate Action Than They Get Credit For
Media coverage of climate change action focuses largely on the efforts of white, upper-middle-class activists. But research by SOJC faculty reveals that people of color are just as concerned about the environment—if not more so. Their findings challenge conventional wisdom about how racial and ethnic minorities approach climate change.

Experiencing homelessness as a child gave assistant professor of public relations Autumn Shafer a new perspective on education. Now she studies how to communicate health information to hard-to-reach populations and strives to make her classroom a welcoming place for all students. Overcoming the barriers to communication is “all about understanding your target publics and trying to put yourself in their shoes,” she says.
David Markowitz Knows What Your Data Says About You
Can you believe what people say about themselves on dating apps? That’s just one of the questions assistant professor David Markowitz answers as he studies the “big text data” behind modern communication, from social media to mobile apps. Find out what he’s teaching students about their social media habits.