#LifeasaJStudent Blog

SOJC students showcase what it's like to be a student with personal stories about their experiential learning adventures in their own words, photos, and videos.

Story by Polly Irungu  I’ve always enjoyed doing more than one thing. I didn’t just want to be that photographer girl, I wanted to be that photographer girl/social media enthusiast/blogger/you get the point. 
Story by Polly Irungu
Story by Kira Hoffelmeyer, BA ’16
Story by Hannah Golden, BA ’16
Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a five-part series of posts written by Charles Snowden Excellence in Journalism interns.
A Multimedia Journalism Master’s student investigated the controversy surrounding a statue of Ghandi in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  Story and photos by Christian Hartwell. Video by Christian Hartwell, Jing Wong, David Zupan and Nick Schuening. “I felt numb. I didn't really know what to feel. I didn't even cry until I got on the bus the next day, and that’s when it all hit me,” Talilo Marfil said. He was talking about his son’s death.