Kelli Matthews
Kelli Matthews has worked in public relations for more than two decades. She’s a smart, strategic public relations professional with extensive experience providing counsel, researching, planning, implementing and evaluating communication initiatives. Her nearly 20 years of teaching experience at the University of Oregon keeps her on the cutting edge of research and practice. She’s particularly interested in and has an aptitude for digital strategy, strategic planning, leadership and crisis communications.
Matthews' work in the SOJC includes serving as the adviser for Allen Hall Public Relations and as a faculty director of the Oregon Accelerator.
Matthews blogs at the PRos in Training Blog.
- MA, Communication & Society, University of Oregon, 2004
- BA, Journalism (Public Relations), University of Oregon, 2001
Matthews, Kelli. “Boeing Is Doing Crisis Management All Wrong – Here's What a Company Needs to Do to Restore the Public's Trust.” The Conversation, 15 July 2019.
Gallicano, T. D., & Matthews, K. Millennial PR agency practitioners’ discussion of ethical issues. In B. R. Brunner-Johnson (Ed.), The moral compass of public relations. New York, NY: Routledge.
Gallicano, T. D., Curtin, P. A., & Matthews, K. (2012). I love what I do, but… A relationship management survey of Millennial Generation public relations agency employees. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24(3), 222-242. doi:10.1080/1062726X.671986
Curtin, P. A., Gallicano, T. D., & Matthews, K. (2011). Millennials’ approaches to ethical decision making: A survey of young public relations agency employees. Public Relations Journal, 5(2), 1-21. Also published on the website of the Institute for Public Relations: http://www.instituteforpr.org/topics/encourage-ethical-practice-among-cu...
Curtin, P. A., with T. Derville & K. Matthews (2009). The case for making cultural strangers of Millennial Generation consultancy practitioners. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 6(2), 19-22.
Recent Presentations
Matthews, K., Strauss, J., Stansberry, K, Ryan, K. (2019, April) Social Media Metrics: Why They’re Important to Broadcast and Film Students, and How to Teach Them. Panel presentation at the Broadcast Education Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Matthews, K., Strauss, J., Stansberry, K, Lake, H (2019, April) Teaching Students How to Establish a Professional Social Media Presence. Panel presentation at the Broadcast Education Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Matthews, K. (2017) A Day in the Life: The Value of Immersive Communication Agency Experiences. PRSA Educators Academy Poster Session. Boston, MA.
Gallicano, T. D., & Matthews, K. (2012, October). Hope for the future: Millennial PR agency practitioners’ discussion of ethical dilemmas. Paper presented at the meeting of the Public Relations Society America of America, San Francisco, CA.
Curtin, P. A., Derville-Gallicano, T., & Matthews, K. (2010, March). Using relationship management to encourage ethical practice among cultural strangers: A survey of Millennial Generation public relations agency employees. 13th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.
Matthews, K. (2009, November). Thinking Strategically About Social Media: An Assignment for PR Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago.
Areas of Expertise:
- Public relations
- Strategic communication
- Social media and digital strategy
- Strategic planning and leadership
- Agency mangement
- Crisis communications
- Sports communications