SOJC Dean Juan-Carlos Molleda lauded the LAGRANT Foundation and the Hispanic Public Relations Association for supporting Hispanic students and professionals in advertising, marketing, and public relations.
The SOJC Year in Review looks back at the achievements, activities, and aspirations of our community in 2024 and shares our unique impact on our students and the field.
The SOJC’s new game studies minor gives students a deep understanding of how games fit into media professions like journalism, PR, advertising, and media studies.
Eleven new faculty at the SOJC bring skills and expertise in artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, consumer behavior, health journalism, and sports writing and marketing.
“One Cool Story” is a student-created podcast that features interviews with students, alumni, faculty and staff about college, careers, our community and interesting stories.
“One Cool Story: Tales from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication,” is a new podcast featuring students, faculty, alumni and staff from the SOJC.
Sharon-Nicole “Nikki” McClaran, an assistant professor of public relations at the SOJC, focuses on researching the media’s influence on health behavior.