Whitney Phillips, SOJC assistant professor of digital platforms and ethics, tells NBC News that although Alex Jones’ Infowars may be gone, other right-wing sites will fill the gap.
In a new report, Damian Radcliffe, SOJC Chambers Professor in Journalism, explores how news outlets can improve trust in media by giving readers more power in story selection.
Eleven new faculty at the SOJC bring skills and expertise in artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, consumer behavior, health journalism, and sports writing and marketing.
Christine Wise, an SOJC professor of practice and advertising area director, is a devoted sports fan who researches fan engagement. She’s worked for several professional and college teams.
“One Cool Story” is a student-created podcast that features interviews with students, alumni, faculty and staff about college, careers, our community and interesting stories.
Whitney Phillips, SOJC assistant professor of digital platforms and ethics, says the popularity of the true crime genre has some influencers vying for the “murder audience.”
“One Cool Story: Tales from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication,” is a new podcast featuring students, faculty, alumni and staff from the SOJC.
Sassy, an AI-powered career guide created by the Journalistic Learning Initiative, which is headed by SOJC Professor Ed Madison, was featured in Ed Week. The bot helps Oregon students learn about careers.