Featured Student Work

See SOJC students' outstanding work, from published articles and research to award-winning videos and campaigns.

A Multimedia Journalism Master’s student created an immersive sound narrative to share the perspectives of a blind woman.
Journalism master’s student Robin FitzClemen is examining how adding an element of play can help people learn and retain information about the effects of climate change.
For the Science and Memory program, students capture the majesty of the Alaskan Copper River Delta and why its ice and water are so important to the environment.
Lifelong besties Kay Chansiri and Ping Thipkanok study neuroscience and health communication, respectively. Together they work with faculty associates in the SOJC’s Center for Science Communication Research to investigate Instagram use among female students and its impact on body image.
A Multimedia Journalism Master’s student’s documentary film confronting institutional racism in Portland government debuted at the Vanport Mosaic Film Festival.
Hadil Abuhmaid researches cinema as a powerful storytelling medium and investigates how it has formed and represented national identities in her native Palestine.